Wednesday, November 20, 2013

It has NOT been 2 years!

I am in shock that my big baby is actually 2 years old! He has been the size of a 2 year old for about a year now but he was still my baby. Now he is talking up a storm, carrying on conversations, following directions, and playing with his sister, not just beside her.
He has the sweetest heart. If he thinks you are hurt or you need help, he will come over and offer his hand~literally. He will pat you on the head to say he's sorry and hug and kiss you even if he was just mad at you. He has a temper and throws whatever is in his hand or finds something to smack off the table but when I tell him, "NO!" He cries, sticks his fingers in his mouth, and comes right over for a hug.
It's no secret I am a sucker where he is concerned. More people than not have said, "You would never have done that with LG." But you moms of multiples can vouch for me~it's hard with the first to give in on anything, especially if you're an OCD nut like me. I felt like if I let her sleep in the bed with me, even just once, she would always want to sleep with me...for the rest of her life. If I let her drink chocolate milk, she would never drink white milk again. If I rocked her in the middle of the night when she cried out for me, she would always want me to do it. A lot of "always" and "nevers" but now that she's 5 and she doesn't have to have me rock her to sleep or only drink chocolate milk, I see that most things are just phases and if I'm not careful I will miss out on some sweet moments. So, having said that, I am trying to make up with it for Carson and if you don't like it (Andy, Mama), you can...well, just deal with it. :)  
He got his first hair cut (and first sucker) last Tuesday~11/12/13~I didn't do it on that date on purpose but it sure does make it easy to remember. My hair dresser tried to just cut off the ends and leave shorter curls but I quickly told her that I wanted those curls cut off. We have enough curls in our household already, I am not trying to see anymore right now. :) Here he is after the cut:
 Sometimes the fingers are better than the sucker :)
 He had his birthday party at Chick-Fil-A, mostly because we don't have a house to have people over to right now and because I didn't want to have to clean up anything. It was Elmo themed. All the kids except for Carson played in the playroom. He is extremely cautious of things and steers clear of any trace of chaos. He also doesn't like to be sung to~the whole time we were singing "Happy Birthday" he was screaming, "No!" LOL! I was too busy trying to enjoy the moment and didn't get any pics. Sorry.
Lastly, he had his 2 year check up today with our back-up Dr~Dr. Harry Phillips. He meets all the development markers for his age, i.e. he is saying 2-word phrases~no mama, juice please (jew pees), my colors (my colees), etc. Some of his many new words are: Sissy, down (meaning pick me up), bless you (bess you), nope, and any word you ask him to say, he will try to say. He still goes to sleep between 6-630 pm and sleeps until 6 am. Even if we try to keep him up, he is ready to go to bed around 6 pm. He LOVES to color. He has colored a few times on the wall so we asked for someone to get him a magna-doodle for his b-day and thanks to She-sha (Alisha), that is his new favorite thing to do!! He has just started telling us when he's pooping. Sometimes he confuses pooting with pooping so there's a lot of diaper checks for no real reason. :) He loves Dora, Little Bill, and Elmo.
He is on the chart!!!!! I was shocked but apparently the rest of the babies are catching up to him. :)
Weight: 34 lbs (95%)
Height: 36 in (75%-90%)
Head: 51 cm (95%)
He got his last prevnar shot and a flu shot and only cried for a second~no tears though. It was more like he screamed at the nurse out of anger and then put his fingers in his mouth and was fine. He walked out by himself, said "Bye" to everyone and blew the nurses a kiss. :)
I am so excited to see what this next year has to offer for him and us~what new things he will do. He makes us laugh everyday and is so much fun to be around. I feel so blessed to have been given the opportunity to be his mama. Thank you, thank you, Jesus! 

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